Fake It 'Till You Make ItThe first time I was ever called fat I was 8 years old. And the name calling didn't stop until I was 16. I'm currently 17. I know my...
70 PercentI would say I am about 70% secure with my body. The only things I have issues with are my love handles, and the bit of pudge I have right...
InsideI've always been uncomfortable with my body. I mean, most girls are, right? I think everyone would be so much happier if we would all...
The FightI'm turning 18 in a month. I've been an athlete almost all of my life. I've been called "thick" by many guys recently. I came to find out...
StandardsI have BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder) because in the past I was heavier (not fat to a doctors standards, but to people who like to...
The Perfect YouWhen I was young I was one of the first girls in my class and neighborhood to develop. This caused me to grow out before I grew up. I was...
Ups And DownsI'm Sarah. I'm 21, almost 22 yrs old. I'm 5ft 2in, an hour glass shape and I weigh 190. When I met my husband when I was 18. I was 125...