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I've been a bigger girl my entire life.


After having a child I have become a little more comfortable in my own skin. I now think it's okay to have stretch marks and cellulite, a bigger tummy, wide hips, a big butt. Our bodies are amazing! We can grow and nurture children, run, jump, breathe, sleep, eat! How could I have ever hated myself so much?

For years and years I was so depressed. I also ate fast food, genetically modified foods, sodas, etc. Now I strive to eat only organic, non GMO foods, simpler super nutritious foods, easy to prepare and lovely tasting.

Before meeting the love of my life, I used to not feel so good about my body. After realizing, it is not the end of the world, I've become a body enthusiast and feel so happy we're all different and beautiful in our own ways.

I've got an hourglass figure. I used to wear corsets and go clubbing when I lived in Las Vegas. Quitting drinking, and smoking pot has made me feel so much better. I used to have a gigantic wine/ whiskey problem. I smoked weed everyday since I was in fifth grade. I was a horrible wreck of self loathing.

After getting into a wonderful relationship, quitting all the substances, and becoming pregnant at age 21, life is better!

At almost 24, I can't believe the person I have become. Now that I'm a stay at home mommy, I've gained a little more weight but I've accepted it because when I feel happy about my family, my choices, and hobbies, my body doesn't matter so much. It feels more like the vehicle to enjoy life in, not the only enjoyment in life.

The happiness and health of everyone else is the biggest concern of mine. I've been getting very in tune with myself and with nature.

People have always talked about my size, family members, friends, and even complete strangers. I guess the part that sticks out, literally, is my huge bottom. Its really wide and round. I have not a single pair of jeans or pants that I wear. I like stretchy leggings under dresses and skirts because with my body type I feel like pants wouldn't be flattering, comfortable, or stylish. I've always disliked the jean trend on top of that.

Having a large bottom for a white girl (German, Irish, Danish, French, Wind dot Indian, Blackfoot Indian, Portuguese) has made me feel very insecure in the past.

My goodness, how times change. I'm so glad the body I have is suitable to my personality. I'm crazy funny sometimes and a little out there in terms of opinions, but I'm a loving and super caring person who only wants people to be happy and to find what makes them love life.


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